Lego figures above blocks with the numbers 2015

Make Your 2015 New Years Resolutions a Reality

Welcome 2015!

Ah, the promise of a New Year. I love it when January 1st rolls around. I can leave behind the frustrations and failures of the previous year. I can toast the successes I had and vow to achieve even greater things in the upcoming year. And this year I am determined to make 2015 the best year ever – and I challenge you to do the same! Let’s start by looking at our New Years Resolutions.

I always start off the New Year with the best of intentions. January is always the time when I believe that THIS year I will stick with my New Years resolutions (unlike the year before), but sometime before March, I’ve often fallen back into the same ol’ habits I was hoping to change. Well, this year is going to be different. I actually mean to make each and everyone one of my New Years resolutions a reality. And I would love to know that other people out there in the world, friends and strangers alike, believe in me too and want to cheer me on with every small victory I achieve. And I would love to do the same for them! Working together, I know we can get through the week three slump (and beyond), when all those resolutions start to feel like real work (and not just a refreshing change of pace).

Share Your 2015 New Years Resolutions With Others

It’s still early enough that the possibilities for this year are endless. I don’t want to leave anything to chance, so I’m writing my New Years resolutions down and posting them where I can see them every day. Then I’m going to take things a step further – I’m going to share them with you (and the whole world) in this blog. In return, I want to hear about your goals for the year too! Hearing your goals and celebrating your wins will hopefully keep us both motivated and on track! So let’s use the hashtag #bestyearever2015 to start a conversation about what we are all going to achieve this year in order to make it the best year ever!

Here’s my list of New Year’s Resolutions, in no particular order:

  • Work out in some way for 30 minutes every day
  • Complete and post a blog post a week
  • Complete one e-book every quarter
  • Volunteer on a local basis more
  • Grow my own vegetable garden

I think that’s enough to get me started. How about you? What are your New Years resolutions? I have 100% faith in YOU and your ability to make any dream a reality. And I’d love to have the chance to root you on in your quest for success. Post your goals in the Comments section below or on the SB Creative Content Facebook Page and use the hashtag #bestyearever2015. SB Creative Content will be giving away special prizes throughout the year to anyone who wants to participate.  It’s never too late to get started.

Let’s make those resolutions a reality!  #bestyearever2015

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